My father is soon to be 94, in Sept. He came to live with my husband and I in May of 2012. He has progressively been getting more demanding and mean spirited. I can’t do anything right according to him.
He orders breakfast every morning and wants it exactly so, I have been told by many people, my 6 kids my husband and friends, that I am a good cook, but my dad is angry every day that I can’t get anything perfect. I know that I am in burnout right now, because all I want to do is cry and wish I could run away. My daughters tell me to stand up to him. But when I try, he can turn it around on me and make me cry.
Now he wants to move south and go gold mining in the hills of Lake Havasu???
He can’t even walk around the block. He can’t drive. We took that away from him about 5 years ago because he was a danger to himself and others.
He can’t cook or even keep track of his meds. He says, well I just won’t take meds!
I am at wits end, and my poor dear husband, who is dealing with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia himself, is stressed out trying to smooth things over. I just don’t know what to do or where to turn.
My question is, is there a legal way to stop my dad from leaving and going off on his own?
Though to tell the truth it would be nice!
Thank you for listening.
But my main question is, whats the problem. A demanding father wants to leave.
When my mom (dementia) wanted to move out, I gave her the housing section in the Sunday paper, she didn't know what to look for & put it away, but kept saying she's moving out. Stop catering to your dad's menu demands, as mentioned earlier, give 1 or 2 choices and that's it. Please take care of yourself so you can take care of your husband & your marriage. Hugs to you both ❤️.