
Over two years ago I was diagnosed with AFib and started taking Eliquis and Solitil. Then had a fierce cough for a month, then had a stroke. The cough immediately stopped and I began a runny nose. The runny nose has continued for over two years. I have never caught a cold, but have the chronic runny nose. Several people logged about this a few years ago and the log was closed. I would like to know if others have had the same thing.

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Moms doctor said to use Claritan daily. It did cut down on it drasically. Ask ur doctor before u try anything, though.
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That sounds like a good solution. Thanks, but I was wanting more about if others had had a similar experience. I believe there is a reason that the unexplained overwhelming dry cough, was followed by the stroke one month later, - then completely changed to a persistent runny nose. I just want to find some answers. I had never had any high BP, no cholesterol problems; I exercised, and want some answers. Doctors just shrug.
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