
While at the Drs yesterday I asked him about a prescription for Medicare so mom can get in home assistance. He said he didn't think she was eligible as she wasn't home bound. WHAT? She cannot dress/bathe/drive/ find the bathroom on her own and is wobbly and never wants to leave the house. To me that is home bound???

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Home bound means they don't go out, even if you drive. If mom goes out to lunch with you or to the drugstore with you, they don't consider her homebound. You should know that Medicare doesn't cover home aides anyway! The only exception to that is home care right after a hospital stay of 3 or more days as written into the discharge plan and only for 60days.
If you can find a VA form 2680 and print it out, you will get a pretty good idea of what the rules are. Plus if you are living with her, they will want to know why you can't help her with dressing, bathing and transport. You actually need to fill out the form yourself and have the MD sign it, because the MD's have no idea what is going on in the home.
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While surfing around Medicare...I read this, and this is a bit confusing.
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I don't know how helpful this is, but this is the glossary definition from the Medicare web site:
...and here is the booklet that covers home health care (through Medicare):
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