
If you put them in the laundry, he takes them out and put them on! Dad Is 95. He lives an hour and a half away, so all I know is from my step-sister. She has tried all kinds of tactics and can't get him to put on clean clothes. She can't figure out why he does this. Anyone have any ideas?

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It sounds to me like they're sitting in the "laundry" too long. When he takes them off, even if it's 11 PM, they need to be washed. Or he has a certain pair of pants that he likes...if so, get him another pair.
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Time for the MD to order home health aides to handle this. Elders can be very stubborn with family, but will cooperate with an RN or someone they think is an RN.
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Some men like to wear clothes until the clothes incinerate. My sig other has a couple of really old college sweatshirts where the insides feels like steel wool, he won't part with those shirts.
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Can you work on him about wanting to put in a "good appearance" for his wife and the people at the home? If it looks like he's not cared for (with urine stained pants), they won't trust him to bring her home. That's probably stretching the truth a bit, but it might help convince him he needs to look well groomed for his wife's benefit.
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Maybe he has a concern about the cost of frequent laundry. This is one reason I've run into challenges with my 98 year old father. At least in the last two years or so, laundry hasn't been mentioned, and his self-care has improved in frequency.

Sometimes they don't have the strength to change, but that's not ythe case if he's pulling clothes out of the laundry. Does he have a favorite pair?
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Thanks everyone. I think his aide has tried to get him to change. I don't know what else to say, but thanks for your responses. If you think of something else let me know.

Dad doesn't have to pay for laundering: people in his senior building provide that service. My step sister even bought Dad another pair of pants like what he has and he said thanks, he already has a pair!
Oh well, the poor man is in tears this week because his wife had a Alz fit and has to be evaluated to see if she can stay in her home or not. I'm going to visit Dad Monday. He insists on seeing his wife in the home twice a day for the 2 weeks she is slated to be there. He doesn't drive anymore so he hopes to enlist family members to bring him there. It's so sad.
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