
I have been here a month as a full time caregiver, living in my patient's home. We both signed and agreed on a typed contract of my payment and it was notarized. However this morning I asked my patient about this issue and he instantly got very angry, opening the door, telling me to leave. I'm several hours away from home and not sure what to do? I'm working for nothing.

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Ashley, time for a quick reassessment of this situation, which obviously isn't as you expected.  

However, it's good that you learned how difficult this "patient" is now, before you  encountered any potentially further negative aspects.

If you want to enforce the contract, more than likely you'd have to have legal help, and it may  likely also be determined that significant enforcement provisions are lacking, such as noncompliance of either party (I'm specifically referring to the "patient").

 But the question is why would you want to continue in this situation?

I would contact local police and ask them about temporary housing for indigent women, and where you could stay until you return home (I'm assuming that that's still an option?).    Decades ago the YMCA used to rent rooms, cheaply.   It wasn't the best, and I don't know if it's still an option, but it might be until you can make further plans.

Whatever you do, I wouldn't get into any arguments with this guy, or even consider staying, under any circumstances.

I did some quick checking on evictions of inhome caregivers in Georgia:

Check out the hits that affect your situation.  You may gain some insight on options but the more I think about the situation, I wonder if this guy told you to get out just before you had established "residency" in Georgia.   Generally a "month" is the criteria, but I don't know if that means a month of 30 or 31 days and don't have the time to do any legal research on interpretations.

I can't help wondering if he's done this before, and/or if it's a pattern.  What do you know about him before he asked you to come to GA to take care of him?  You write that he's a "family friend" - for how long?   

And the more I think about this situation, the more I think you're fortunate to find out now what a jerk and a manipulative user he is.    It wouldn't surprise me if this is NOT the first time he's done this.

Look at this as a lessons learned situation:  you tried it, it didn't work out, there are a lot of pitfalls, it probably never would work out, so be glad you learned his true nature early.   Move on with the rest of your life.
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As the notary who helped with this contract is a family friend, why not contact him for advice?

I've read your post, and I've read your profile. Just chewing it over...

So this morning your client found you sleeping and was annoyed about it, and in response you brought up the point that you haven't been paid for your month's work, at which point he was even more annoyed and attempted to show you the door (literally).

Did the typed contract state how often you should be paid? I'm wondering if you're owed several weeks' pay, or if you're expecting to be paid every month but it just hasn't happened yet.

And, so, right now, how are things? Has your client calmed down? Are you all right just at the moment?
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FloridaDD Mar 2020
All the notary does is check ID and represent it that the people who signed it are who they say they are.  At most, they may ask questions (like who is president, what year is it) to check competency, but many wont even do tthat.
In most states, he has to give you notice before  he evicts  you.  Just tell him that, and he can call the police if he wants.  If you are not safe, if there are guns in the house, I would leave.   Can you contact his kids, if he has any?
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worriedinCali Mar 2020
Not true. Live in caregivers rarely have tenants rights. Once their employment ends, in most states they can be sent packing immediately.
The problem I see is was he competent when he signed this contract? Did you have what hours you were to work with weekends off. 24/7 is slave labor.

I hope there is family back home who can take you in until u can get another job. I would contact the Notary friend and tel, him what happened and that it didn't work out. You may be able to sue the man thru small claims court for your salary.
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