My fiance's sister is the POA but won't show proof. She has taken all mom's forms of id. I am her caregiver through a agency but I and her son do it all. The sister has moms money moved directly to her account as soon as it hits. She is behind on bills. She has taken moms name off deeds to the estate and put her own and her daughters. She does not provide shoes or any other essentials for mom we do it. How can we have this stopped
The quickest way to stop this is to take your Mom to the ER, call the Sister who is POA and tell her to pick her up from there with her POA papers. Why would you do this work without a cost sharing contract?
See an attorney. When you need expert advice you cannot afford to go wrong. Take any documentation, diaries, dates and diagnoses with you to your first meeting and discuss your options.
I am so sorry and wish you the best.
If he truly does care then see that attorney ASAP to reverse the situation. Sissy broke 2 laws of undue influence on a vulnerable person and robbing. If you are a paid caregiver then you are next to choose to leave