I have put my mother on the Namenda XR twice but in both instances I feel like it has had a negative impact. She seems more out of it and more forgetful. What are some positive differences you have seen in your loved one when placed on it? Have you ever felt like it has had a negative impact? My mother is compulsive about cleaning and is very active for 81 years old. She was diagnosed a year ago. Should I keep her on it?
My FIL was pretty far out of it and yet they kept putting those memory patches on him everydayy -- what a waste...he didn't improve and no, it didn't stablize him; he just checked out and was really not comprehending or talkative, etc.
I believe it may help depending on the stage of dementia and age of person when they start taking it. You'll have to be the judge for your mom; but if she is not doing the things she loves (cleaning, active, etc.) and she is fuzzy; then I would discuss with dr. or discontinue and see if she goes back to her old self. You have to balance the benefit. Do you want them to remember more or be active, happy, social and a little forgetful?....
There is no evidence that NAMENDA XR prevents or slows the underlying disease process in patients with Alzheimer's disease.