I am looking for assistance for me as an elderly single person. About to be forced to give up my house since I can no longer pay my mortgage .i am living on social security of 2000 per month with no other income available and while my children live in the area they can't help. I do have copd and some other issues but they are medically managed. I want to find an advocate who can help and so far that hasn't happened. no one seems to have access to the programs that can help me. everybody has a list but I would have to contact each and they give me a new list and so on and so on. my house is currently on short sale and no one has been through it. I have to downsize and I need help with what to take and what to sell. I have been in touch with an estate sale company who would do every thing but I can't afford them. I know the profit to me will not be much. I don't seem to qualify for the county programs because my income is too high. I have been unable to find a one bedroom/bath that I can afford since I still have utilities and credit bills I need to pay as well along with owing and paying both the federal and state income tax still due on my 2011 taxes. In addition, as far as I can tell, none of the available housing lists are open. I have also lost most of my teeth because I can't afford the cost to pull them and have a denture or bridge done. I'm sure this is due to bone loss and poor diet. I think this is about all but it feels like I am caught in a never ending whirlpool going down the drain. isn't there something available to help me with all my concerns? One of the apartment managers suggested I needed an advocate with the county agency for the aging and while that does exist it is now being handled by the social services agency for he county and I have talked with them. They are sending me the pre-application to register in the mail since they do not have the ability to e-mail it to me.
Prayers for you..... hoping you get some answers and soon..... I know you are under a tremendous amount of stress with all this....it is hard but you are looking for answers.... and one will come..... prayers and hugs
No medical care is provided in an Independent Living situation. One may drive, and do anything you would normally do if living in your own home. No government assistance, except VA's Aid and Attendance, is used to pay the monthly rent. They check you out financially before you enter. A one-time deposit and a property fee is taken upon completion of the app....like a resort fee.
I don't think that $2,000.00 per month is enough income, but there may be some facilities that would accept it.. I really don't know.
Good Luck in your search.
Just a wild thought - do you have similair age siblings, cousins or friends with whom you could share expenses and a home.