
I'm thinking of taking a day trip with Mom to the beach this spring. A beach wheelchair rental, some snacks, and a couple hours on the sand under a Sportbrella XL if she takes to it. A nice lunch out if she has a change of mind-I never know with her. She will ask for things then never use them. A couple of months ago she said she would never cruise, then a couple days ago she said she'd like to take one for a year. This would our first fun outing not involving a doctor appointment or other obligation. Part of my motivation is the fact that I love the beach, miss going, and wouldn't be confident using in home health care for that entire day.

The other part is that I think it would be something new and fun for us to do, and a memorable experience if she's comfortable and enjoys herself. Right now Mom gets around with a walker and uses diapers, although she can make it to the portable commode in her room sometimes. She makes it a point to use the restroom if we're out and about.

Any tips or suggestions? Because of my work hours and the fact that it's just Mom, and a dog, it would be just a 2 person trip. I figure some bottles, good snacks, some jazz, lots of leg room, and a couple of restroom breaks to break up the drive would help.

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Oops. Bottles of water, to be clear. Mom still drinks out of cups and I wouldn't be drinking and driving :)
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And the dog would stay at home, excuse the multiple posts.
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(I really have nothing to advise except it sounds like an awful lot of work for you and wouldn't be as fun an outing as you hope.) But if you're determined, maybe bring someone along to help you. I've seen disabled folks at the beach but with a family group. (Please, yes, do leave the dog at home!) Bring sunscreen for both of you - a sunburn would be awful. I do wish you well, you probably will have a few hours of enjoyment, would like to hear later how it went.
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I'm all for it, even though I think it will be a challenge to manage everything. Perhaps it's because right now I'm reading Chicken Soup for the Ocean Lover's Soul and am so impressed by the relationship people have discovered and nurtured with beaches, waves, oceans and the multitude of sea life.

There are stories of bonding with whales and dolphins, which I knew did occur, but reading the story of someone who's personally experienced this is fascinating.

The sound of waves lapping against the shore is also very, very soothing.

No swimming with dolphins, though!
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My husband and I love going to the beach. Here it's about a two hour drive and for the past five years, with mom's health and our disabled son, two nights at the coast is as close to a vacation as we get. We have tried taking our son with us and it works out okay with the exception of actually walking on the beach. Our son has minor cerebral palsy along with severe autism. Rainman hates feeling unsteady on his feet, who doesn't, right? The first time we took Rainman on the sand it was a disaster. The second time, thinking we had figured out how to do it better, Rainman had a meltdown before we even got to the sand, off the paved path. And Rainman never has meltdowns! This may not be all your hoping for but seems worth a try - just stay off the sand.
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She mentions 'beach wheelchair rentals', which I've never heard of or seen, but that indicates that a trip to the beach with a disabled person is possible. I hope the trip she plans goes well, so much in life is difficult anyway, might as well have a few hours by the sea as a result.
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Patience... Go for it.. Just remind yourself that it may not go as planned..

I would make sure I went to a beach that I could park right up at the shore just in case she doesn't want to get out, so that way you both can still enjoy the ocean view..
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Thanks for all the responses!

Lassie: thanks,will be sure to have sunblock on hand. I know from experience, sunburn isn't a good time. Wouldn't want mom to have to deal with that. Henderson State Park is the intended destination, the info about the park and beach wheelchairs is here:

GardenArtist: I think it will be challenging too, but well worth it if mom enjoys herself. And if not, there's something to be said for making a good honest effort. I really find ocean waves relaxing and I'm hoping she'll feel the same.

Rainmom and assandache7, thanks for mentioning possible difficulties with the sand. If the beach wheelchair isn't available, or if mom doesn't find being the sand appealing, parking close to enjoy the ocean sights and sounds would be good too! It's a very pretty beach area.
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I thought about a trip to the beach with my mother. I figured the best way to do it was to get a hotel room with an ocean view. I know she will do poorly on sand, and our nearby beaches have deep beaches. The boardwalks would help, but they end with steps and I can't imagine trying to wheel anything across the sand. It is even hard to walk in. Mom said she would be happy just sitting outside, looking out over the ocean. But have you ever tried to rent a hotel room on a Florida beach in season? That difficulty, the cost, and the long drive down with a woman who has to stop for bathroom breaks every few minutes made me quickly abandon the idea. She takes 20-30 minutes per bathroom break, so the trip would be torture.

If I could have gotten around these problems, though, it is the way I would have done it. Lots of good sea food and the ocean view -- who could ask for better?
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Jessiebelle - hmmm, ask for better? The beach town hubby and I like to visit has a very nice casino. After a day of doing beachy things we go out for a nice dinner, then hit the casino until the wee hours of morning. It's easy to forget our troubles for several hours.
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Jessiebelle: I'll check into hotel rates too. I'm planning on doing it mid week to avoid crowds, and April often has really warm days without the expense of high season hotel rates. Booking a hotel would let me get more downtime, too. Food for thought! Thanks.
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My mom and Aunt like to sit on the Boardwalk and watch.. the sea, other people , you name it! Neither of them will put in a swim suit.. so this is great for them. We took them to OC Maryland last summer, and they dang near blew away.. but still loved it! We got pizza from a place they used to love, and drove along the shore. Maybe if you just readust your plans it could be great, Lots of boardwalks have bathrooms too. Enjoy!
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You've gotten some wonderful advice from the community. Sun protection and plenty of water come to mind for me here but they've been mentioned. I've put a link to an article (below) about other summer ideas that may be easier that you can add to the "making memories" list. Good luck at the beach! Carol
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actually it sounds to me like you are a wonderful daughter! My mother would love such an adventure, but I think the best I can muster is a view from the car and lunch with a view. Your mom is so very lucky. I hope you get to make this happen. No matter how it goes it will be a memory!
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Just one minor tip. If your mother is like my father and can't handle caffeine, make sure you keep her away from caffeinated drinks. There are a lot of sodas out there with hidden caffeine. Stick to water or lemonade.
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For us it was easier to rent a cottage on the beach for a week and a take Mom and the dogs. We do this in the off-season when the rent is reasonable (May and October) . My mother, now 96 and in assisted living, doesn't go with us any more, but it's easier to manage everything like bathroom and meals when you have a home base. Her vision was almost gone and she was well into dementia and incontinent, but she loved sitting on the deck watching (limitedly) and listening to the waves and just being around family. We even went out for lunch. If several family members can go, everyone takes turns caring, cooking, and walking on the beach (though I did all bathroom duties and cleanups). Nice vacation for all. Take pictures,
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I strongly encourage you to take another person to help. Between moving all of the stuff and moving her, your hands will be over-full and you will be exhausted.
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I would bring a friend along. Then you could take turns going in the water if you choose, or going to the restroom yourself
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I would think boardwalks have to have wheelchair excessability. They do here in NJ. Here you can't drive up to the beach but lots of parking near the boardwalk. Getting a wheelchair around should be no problem. In Wildwood, they have a band at the gazebo on and off during the day. Sitting and people watching can be fun. During the week, less crowds. U may want to consider a friend to come along just to help. Otherwise, sounds good to me.
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Sounds like a good idea.

. Even though it's cold here in MA.. I think tomorrow I will take a drive to the beach with Mom.. She won't last long sitting there looking at the ocean but I'll enjoy it..

Then we'll go to lunch..

Suppose to be 50 degrees and sunny.. Anything to get out of the house for awhile..
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Bring along your own potty source, or rent an RV.
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Depending on the type of sand you may want a motorized beach wheelchair. Gulf Shores sand is very white and fine, and pushing (or pulling!) ANYTHING on it is difficult.
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This is not going to be an easy undertaking. I would take a shorter trip maybe 1 -2 hours, not anymore because not having a bathroom and needing one is unpleasant even when one is wearing a Depends. I am assuming she has dementia and this could be very stressful for her. The dog will also be of concern and I have two dogs which require a lot of time. You didn't mention if SHE likes the ocean. It is windy by the ocean, I know I lived on Pearl Harbor and there was always a breeze in HI. Try a park nearby, and see how that goes first.
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